Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anime Unpainted Model Kits

A future memory

E 'cliché to say that the law has regulated the air Mammi until then a "Wild West", to use a phrase dear to the same Minister who was the promoter. Complained to the Minister submission of his mother in law the many lawsuits for the contention of a frequency, which for him was evidently unseemly. This is certainly true but it was a sign of democracy, that his law has been dissolved by delivering frequencies and information a few powerful groups. In fact, before the Mammi law existed in Italy following the 1500 local stations but the law imposing conditions halter for most of them were left a little over 500. The far west, dear Minister, if anything, is this is his law, with all that has dragged below, including crime, sort of gun on the temple of the victim to force him to give up the use of a frequency for the benefit of occult powers and fixed. Come nel far west appunto, caro Ministro, ha vinto la legge del più forte ma di questo, credo, ci sia ben poco da menarne vanto. Nei post che seguiranno parlerò della mia assurda vicenda personale, relativa alla mia televisione, Canale 60, esemplare per quanto detto sopra e molto illuminante del periodo. In attesa faccio un appello e chiedo a chiunque abbia avuto una analoga esperienza a quella che seguirà di contattarmi qui nel blog.

Pietro Atzeni


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