Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Making Herbal Cigarettes Where To Buy

Lyric failure

Lyric failure

I was not I who arm the hand
but human greed
I just wanted to give voice to those who did not have
But you know, the virtues of men
tightrope is suffering from vertigo and
girl is eager to give itself the ambition
if you then in time scales
for career success and gives in to temptation
stifles all scruples, and sacrifices
regret I was not I who arm the
hand but he, my attorney. Ceded
interests to the will of my system
multiplied his duties as if by magic and live
became a problem for me
banks all took me away forever damning
my life
bridges the shadow of a man then knew .
And so when I saw him stop at the traffic lights
I ran screaming all my anger
who had reduced the work of a lifetime in the sand
soon as I saw "I have not done anything"
in terror desperate barked. Already
the problem was all there
I looked under the bridge in front of my poor things
a successful man and then fought
a shocking anger me preso
C’è chi per campare la schiena si spacca,
C’è chi si arrovella la mente,
ecco, signor giudice, vede
lui a mie spese c’era riuscito facendo niente
non fui io ad armare la mano
proprio per questo è finita così.

Canzone mancata, perché scritto come testo di canzone diversi anni fa su richiesta di una amica cantante, ma che non ha mai avuto la sua musica. L’amica si è sposata, ha cambiato città e smesso di cantare lasciando questo testo orfano delle sue note. C’è qualcuno tra di voi amici di internet che mi vuole dare una mano a invertire le decisioni del destino e dare a questi versi il loro degno accompagnamento musicale?


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