Saturday, October 25, 2008

How Long Does Plurerisy Last



I am on the train, for the seventh time the same goal, Lourdes. I tremble when I get on catches me the same feeling, that they have already arrived, because the goal is already there, in the hearts of the people, which has the look of someone who can not wait to get there, pilgrims, patients and volunteers willing to do almost thirty hours of travel to get from you
Among the faces of those who already know and those who still must become a friend, I feel at home and the sadness of past days gives way to joy in rediscovering them all that love me
On the way I think about the new experiences that I have reserved this time Madonna, because it's always been so, every year every time I go to her, I meet wonderful people who love each other.
The first day of this pilgrimage spend almost the entire train, and you have just arrived at Salus forces to arrive in the room, take a shower and go to sleep.
The day starts early, 6:30 alarm, and the breakfast, then x via the various functions of the day.
finally arriving at the cave and Hail Mary and this year I say my "I am" and bring to you a prayer for all those who have asked me in this pilgrimage, take my penis, my bitter disappointment for the most recently received from friends .. and feel that she is close, I hear, almost feel his hand on his shoulder, as if to say - I understand
-Allotment serene, and it's time for dinner, this is where the first meeting of that special person ' year: Don Lindo, 50 years of missions in Central America, now forced to return to Italy for diabetes and cancer, and diabetes in a wheelchair because he's taken away a foot, a patch on the nose to make him see that there is no piece, but a special light in her eyes, and a sentence that strikes me - As soon as I recover, torno in missione- ; dentro di me penso,che è una grande persona, e che allora anche io posso realizzare la mia missione, il mio sogno.
Arriva poi il momento tanto atteso del flambeau, alla sera,alle 21; quest’anno so che sarà un po’ diverso, non c’è Renza, l’amica che di solito ogni anno spinge la mia carrozzina in quell’occasione, mi ha appena mandato un messaggio e allora le dedico la prima preghiera della serata.
Poi piano piano le fiaccole si accendono, e mi viene spontaneo cominciare a riflettere guardando questa piccola fiammella, e penso, che grazie a una prima persona che la accende, poi si possono accendere anche le altre, proprio come l’amore, perché l’amore is contagious, if one likes, also brings the people around him to love,
Then I watch the flame that trembles and wobbles, but never goes out, however, as our hope, which is sometimes weak, but when it seems he's going to go off, on again with more strength and just feel a little 'cold, approached the flame to my face and I feel the heat, and I think that a small flame can do that too, but also warm our hearts our body. And once we heated, we can send our warmth to the whole world, thus creating small flames, which spread throughout the world.
This reflection takes me so much that the rosary is almost over and accompanied me per un’ora con la sua dolce melodia.
Concludo con una preghiera
O Maria, fa che la fiamma del tuo amore, risieda nel mio cuore per sempre, e nei momenti bui fa che essa mi faccia Luce, fa che illumini il mio cammino e riscaldi il mio cuore.
E con questi pensieri vado a messa alla grotta, e li piango e ringrazio Lei, che risplende nella notte.
Passano i giorni e arriva un’altra sorpresa, alla funzione dedicata ai volontari e le volontarie del primo anno, una mano dolce e calda mi prende la sua…Claudio, non so perché, ma non riesco a lasciare questa mano, per 10 minuti, sento un qualcosa di inspiegabile, qualcosa di più forte, di trascendentale, che non mi permette di lasciarla.
I feel it is the beginning of a new friendship, special, I feel that we will be friends forever, and maybe that will make me a bit 'from Dad. Another special gift of this pilgrimage.
The third is when I hear the International Mass, a dogma which is pushing a pram, to say to my companion, "are suffering from cancer, a tear goes down and comes up to my lips, feel the salt water, look at her and say" congratulations ". And I understand that volunteering can always be done, even with a disease that is the true path, even if it is the most tiring, I think this is my path.
I understand that sometimes, to give but does not mean physically, does not mean giving money, it means giving oneself with their disease and its miseries.
This concludes the pilgrimage, the strongest division, and with some more experience.
On the train on the way back I think back to what I experienced, what I left Lourdes and what I brought with me, I think the cave smooth, I placed my pain and suffering of the people in my heart, on the cave made smooth by millions of hands suffering, I think that I entrusted to you the Book with Wire wrote my dream and then you definitely will read it.
And when I get off the train I find my mom, her embrace, after more than a year and a half inside my heart I thank the Madonna and ask her the strength to forgive, I ask you to forgive me for my mistakes and to forgive those who live in the materialism and do not have the strength to feel the emotions I felt in those days. __________


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