news from San Remo 2010 .. THE Sanremo! Latest
.. picture: Ace .. the house of a Vice President of the ACR Research Center .. John Fratta, Vail .. a painting donated by Mr. Mayor Cofferati and auctioned by the Association for Flavia Wire Creative photo below to Antonio and Ketti Gorla with Mr. Milan, who showed us the portrait of Garibaldi, e.. last but not least .. the singer Franco RAEL which has already measured at Sanremo Festival in 1989? .. placing very well .. Franco SANREMO when you return? acr's Fund!
Povia attend the 60th edition of the Sanremo Festival to be held at the Teatro Ariston 16 to 20 February 2010.
Here is some information on the evenings and on the vote:
early evening (Tuesday, February 16, 2010)
interpreting and implementing the 15 songs ARTISTS. Vote opinion poll of the jury
Teatro Ariston.
Rank based on votes received in the evening.
The 12 "songs-artists" most voted will be eligible for late evening.
late evening (Wednesday, February 17, 2010)
interpreting and implementing the 12 songs ARTISTS. Vote
opinion poll of the jury of the Teatro Ariston.
Rank based on votes received in the evening.
Top 10 "songs-artists" most voted will be admitted to the fourth evening.
third evening (Thursday, February 18, 2010)
interpreting and carrying out the five songs ARTISTS opinion poll to be excluded from the jury in the First and Second Night.
mixed voting system. Technical panel (Musicians "Sanremo Festival Orchestra" and 50% tele-voting 50%). The six artists will offer
already own song in "version free Revisited ', accompanied by guest artists Italian or foreign.
Rank based on votes received in the evening and the two "songs-artists" most voted will be admitted to Fourth evening.
Fourth Night (Friday, February 19, 2010)
interpreting and implementing the 12 songs ARTISTS.
mixed voting system. Technical panel (musicians "Sanremo Festival Orchestra" and 50% tele-voting 50%).
artists will offer their own song in a "revised version freely" joined by guest artists Italian or foreign. Rank in
base ai voti ricevuti nella serata e le 10 "canzoni-artisti" più votate saranno ammesse alla Serata Finale.
Serata Finale (sabato 20 febbraio 2010)
Interpretazione-esecuzione delle 10 canzoni degli ARTISTI.
Sistema di votazione misto. Giuria tecnica (musicisti "Sanremo Festival Orchestra" 50% e televoto 50%).
Le 3 "canzoni-artisti" più votate saranno ammesse alla seconda fase della Serata Finale.
Interpretazione-esecuzione delle 3 canzoni degli ARTISTI più votate.
Nuova votazione solo del pubblico con televoto.
La "canzone-artista" più votata verra' proclamata canzone vincitrice assoluta del 60° Festival della Canzone Italiana di Sanremo.
· Telephones Fixed: prefer to call a number, which we will communicate, followed by a number-code combined with the song-artist who intends to vote, with a limit of 5 (five) daily phone calls.
· Telephones mobile (SMS): prefer sending SMS (text messages) to a number, consists of a prefix (which will be announced in advance) followed by a number-code combined with "song-artist" who intends to vote, with a limit of 5 (five) SMS daily.